Sail to Smuggler's Cove
Sadly, our crew have all returned home. We left Santa Barbara on October 17th for Smuggler's Cove on Santa Cruz Island. We had a great 4 hour sail on beam reach with the winds reaching around 20+ knots. Despite the reefed main,
we cruised at around 7 knots the entire way. Georgia easily took the 6' swells which were hitting us on the beam the
entire way.
Anchored at Smuggler's Cove
Although Sharon has questioned our anchoring skills, the anchor set on the second try and stayed put for two days.
The views and weather were gorgeous, but the anchorage was very rolly. At times we simply slept since the boat was rocking
too much to move around comfortably. We were unable to go ashore since the land at Smuggler's Cove is private property.
Trip to Santa Catalina Island
On October 19th, we awakened at 3:00 am and prepared to leave. We weighed anchor at 4:00 am and set course for
Two Harbors on Santa Catalina Island, a trip of about 60 miles. The night was beautiful with many shooting stars. The sea
was flat and after day break we were visited by pods of dolphins three different times at times. The only negative
was the lack of wind so we motor sailed for all but one hour. In Two Harbors, the lady harbormaster instructed us on
how to grab the mooring buoys. On the third pass, we actually got one and are now safely tied to the buoy.

Sunrise- 20 miles of Coast of Los Angeles |
Catalina Island
We spent 4.5 nights on Catalina Island with the 1/2 night in the big town of Avalon. It is now 2:30 am on Tuesday, October 24th. We plan to leave Avalon at 3:30 AM for the 70 mile trip to
San Diego. After seven nights on anchors and mooring bouys, we are looking forward to being tied to a dock in San
Diego with unlimited electricity, water and showers.
Best luck todate- Both Sharon and Kim took drinks of Chardonny which contained yellow jacket bees but only gulped
one of the dead bees in the glass. Neither of us were stung.
Worst luck todate- Paying for a five minute shower which rudely ended after three minutes.
Miles under keel- 403

Two Harbors, Catalina Island |
San Diego
Carefully manuvering through the mooring bouys, we left Catalina at 4:00 am for a 12 hour trip to San Diego. We
had to detour many times during the trip due to heavy ship traffic and military exercises off San Diego. The highlight
of the trip was a 45 minute visit from dozens of dolphins who played along side the boat. Sharon also received a call
from a US Navy Warship who politely suggested that we stay more than two miles away while they conducted flight operations.
She quickly complied but I suggested that she be more firm in the future.

Dolphins Playing Under the Bow |

Dolphin a Few Feet Under Bow |

Sharon's New Friends |