March 2, 2011- Our second crew member, Harold, helped me move Georgia J to the Corinthian Yacht Club today. We encountered high winds, rain, fog, barges in narrow channels and a fuel bill of $735 (for 188 gallons) but
completed our first leg safe and sound. We still hope to leave on Saturday, but the weather doesn't look promising.

Leaving the Corinthian Yacht Club |
March 5th- Harold, Kim and Chris departed the
Corinthian Yacht Club at 6:30 am. (see Leigh's departure dinner and send off video here) Georgia J was escorted out the Golden Gate by Brezza Bella and friends. Bella over exerted herself a bit so
we slowed a bit allowing her to cool down. Our plan was to make an easy half day run to Half Moon Bay.
However we were having so much fun, we decided to go for Monterey. In Monterey Bay, the crew convinced the Captain to
go for Morro Bay where we arrived at 10:30 am on March 6 two days ahead of schedule.
Time motor sailing:
25 hours, 4 hours under sail Sightings- dolphins and pod of whales Perfect dockings in Morro Bay: 3
are now sitting at the Morro Bay Yacht Club waiting for the weather to improve before we round Point Conception. We hope to leave here early Wednesday.
8th: We left Morro Bay at 4:30 pm hoping to round Conception before the next weather system arrived. After
leaving the bay, we struggled to stop the halyard from slipping when we raised the main. Ultimately, two vice grips
and some chaffing gear provided the solution. One additional project added to the list.
At midnight, we motor
sailed by Point Arguello in 10-12' following seas. Of course, alarms only go off in the middle
of the night in rough seas. Appropriately, an engine alarm repeatly sounded indicating water in the fuel.
We drained the filters, but the alarm kept beeping just often enough raise our anxeity. We dreaded Point
Conception, but there were only small waves and confused seas when we rounded at 3:00 am.
The day passing among the Channel Islands was beautiful with many whales, dolphins and seals. Of
course, as we passed through the Long Beach shipping channel late that night, the radar decided to die
after many years of faithful service. Another big project for the list.
click here to download the dolphin video

Calm Seas in the Channel Islands |
We arrived in San Diego Yacht Club
at 8:00 am and immediately called Sharon for her Bloody Mary recipe.
Distance traveled: 266
miles Hours for this leg: 37 Average speed (all motoring) 7.2 knots
Many thanks to Harold
and Chris! Their vigilance kept us safe at sea
