Greetings from Fornells, Menorca. This entry is not
just for those who are hearty and seafaring. It's especially for the worriers or naysayers who say, "I could never
do that!" (i.e. set sail into the wild unknown). I am not a particularly hearty sailor even though
I'm strong and fit. Being at sea does not always agree with my tummy. Regardless I always find the
adventures and camaraderie well worth a few hours of being green. This is my third extended visit on the Georgia J and I must
tell you that I am ruined for ever sailing with another crew.
knew Captain Kim long before he rented his first power boat in Seattle and Sharon and I have been creating meals and building
our friendship for nearly 25 years. They are the reason to set sail into the great unknown. Kim is a first rate captain
where safety comes first and Sharon nurtures us with lovingly prepared food that materializes from her tiny kitchen even when
the seas are rolling. For me, the beauty and exotic destinations
are secondary. Memory building and spending time with the Barrs is the primary point of this grand adventure.

Adios Mahon |
was my ideal sailor's day. We awoke in Mahon/Mao, Menorca and spent the morning preparing to say goodbye to that lovely
town. Captain prepared the boat, Sharon made coffee, Bill worked on his blog post, and I convinced myself I wouldn't get
seasick on this passage. It was a smooth 3 hour trip to Fornells (on the other
side of the island) complete with sunshine, stunning cliffs, minimal boat traffic, and a smooth landing. We were greeted by
Chavi and his dog, Nutella who helped us effortlessly tie up to our mooring ball. We celebrated our arrival with Bloody Mary's
and great music... a little kitchen dancing to Brown-eyed Girl while chopping and stirring the yummy paella salad
that Sharon magically produced from her stocks.

Chavi and Nutella Guide Us to Mooring |
dining, we sat in the cockpit with candles and the light from a half moon... sharing stories about our families, world travels,
politics, and more. Laughter and wine flowed until it was time to say goodnight and crawl back into our
cozy berths. I do believe we've discovered heaven on earth... and a memory has been built that will overpower any reluctance
I might have of setting sail (or turning green) again.
With love and gratitude for
the crew of Georgia J! Moored at Fornells, Menorca 40 03.068 N, 004 07.897 E

Cabo Pentinat |